Drawings > More Drawings

Burrow Hill
Burrow Hill
lithography crayon on yupo
14" x 20"

Drawn on a trail in Greensboro, NC. The title comes from an encounter I had during the course of the drawing. I was taking a break one day and looking around, when I noticed that the ground to the left of me was moving. A small patch of soil was being lifted up a good half inch, then it would drop into place again. The same thing happened again a few inches to the right, and so on in a progressing line. I had a mole on my hands. Or at least a tunneler of some sort. Vole maybe? I got up to investigate, watching the earth move but unable to see the creature underneath. I was delighted. How often do you get to say, "A mole tunneled by my easel today"? Eventually I got too close and the movement stopped; presumably it heard me and went back down its tunnel. This spot was the highest point of the whole trail (bi-planes used to buzz over me as I worked), and I thought it funny that this creature was tunneling and yet up so high. That idea is captured in the title: Burrow Hill.